dimecres, 23 d’abril del 2008

Com traduir "implantació"?

Continuant amb la resposta de l'Helena, el tema de la implantació resulta més complex:

"The question of 'implantation' is more complicated I think. Again, I tried to find any English-language sources which use the term 'implantation' from my laptop files, and so far have only come up with:

* Quirion, Jean, 2003. 'Methodology for the design of a standard research protocol for measuring terminology usage'. Terminology 9:1, 29-49.

* the webpage providing English-language information of the TEIS project in the Basque Country, which gives the title of the project as 'Infomation System of Terminology Implantation'.

(...) However, I do think that 'implantation' is acceptable. Terminology planning is 'implemented' and the success of such planning implies the 'implantation' (usually meaning 'usage') of the terms by the target community. Definitely, 'implantation' is better than 'implementation' when we speak of the 'success' of particular terms. So again, just to make that clear, a terminology policy is successfully 'implemented' ; a planned term is successfully 'implanted'.

I use the term 'implantation' when speaking in English, for e.g., at the SS17 conference, I made reference to studies such as your own as studies on 'implantation'."

En altres paraules: quan les polítiques s'executen (implement), els termes es difonen (disseminate) i finalment estan implantats (implantation) o no en l'ús.

L'Helena suscita encara un altre problema: podem parlar de termes implantats quan no hi ha hagut difusió?

"However, I'm unsure as to the suitability of talking about 'implantation' in the Irish situation. In my opinion, it implies a very structured process from beginning to end in terminology projects, including the defining of a target user group and the implementation of appropriate dissemination strategies. This is why I think 'implantation' is a suitable term for the Quebec, French and Catalan? situation but I don't think that this is how the Irish planning process has functioned in the past (where research on target users is almost non-existent and where dissemination has been very ad hoc). Having said this, I could be thinking too much about it, and at an EAFT seminar on minority langauges and terminology policies last year, a member of the Irish Terminology Committee used the term (in Irish) when referring to shortcomings in the Irish terminology planning process."

El matís és interessant: en català podem parlar de termes arrelats en l'ús, siguin normatius o no. Usaríem implantat també per als manlleus no normatius? Diríem que bueno o encimera estan "molt implantats"? He de confessar que no ho tinc clar. a mi també em fa l'efecte que caldria reservar implantació per al resultat d'una difusió conscient. Però admetré comentaris en sentit contrari, esclar.